
Literatur & Links - Informationen zur Kieferorthopädie

1. Sheiham A. Oral health, general health and quality of life. Bull World Health Organ. 2005;83:644.

2. Dörfer C, Benz C, Aida J, Campard G. The relationship of oral health with general health and NCDs: a brief review. Int Dent J. 2017;67:14–18. doi: 10.1111/idj.12360.

3. Dhar V, Jain A, Van Dyke TE, Kohli A. Prevalence of gingival diseases, malocclusion and fluorosis in school-going students of rural areas in Udaipur district. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent. 2007;25:103–105. doi: 10.4103/0970-4388.33458.

4. Alhammadi MS, Halboud E, Fayed MS, Labib A, El-Saaidi C. Global distribution of malocclusion traits: a systematic review. Dental Press J Orthod. 2018;23(40):e1–10.

5. Bundeszahnärztekammer (2016) Muster-Weiterbildungsordnung der Bundeszahnärztekammer. https://www.bzaek.de/fileadmin/PDFs/b/mwbo.pdf/. Zugegriffen: 10. Juni 2020

6. Huh A, Horton MJ, Cuenco KT, Raoul G, Rowlerson AM, Ferri J, Sciote JJ. Epigenetic influence of KAT6B and HDAC4 in the development of skeletal malocclusion. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2013;144:568–576. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2013.06.016.

7. Hartsfield JK, Jacob GJ, Morford LA. Heredity, genetics and orthodontics—how much has this research really helped? Semin Orthod. 2017;23:336–347. doi: 10.1053/j.sodo.2017.07.003.

8. D’Onofrio LD. Oral dysfunction as a cause of malocclusion. Orthod Craniofac Res. 2018;22(1):43–48.

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10. Schopf P. Indication for and frequency of early orthodontic therapy or interceptive measures. J Orofac Orthop. 2003;64:186–200. doi: 10.1007/s00056-003-0234-6.

11. Tausche E, Luck O, Harzer W. Prevalence of malocclusions in the early mixed dentition and orthodontic treatment need. Eur J Orthod. 2004;26:237–244. doi: 10.1093/ejo/26.3.237.

12. Glasl B, Ludwig B, Schopf P. Prevalence and development of KIG-relevant symptoms in primary school children from Frankfurt am Main. J Orofac Orthop. 2006;67:41–423. doi: 10.1007/s00056-006-0615-8.

13. Lux CJ, Dücker B, Pritsch M, Komposch G, Niekusch U. Occlusal status and prevalence of occlusal malocclusion traits among 9-year-old schoolchildren. Eur J Orthod. 2009;31:294–299. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cjn116. 

14. Favero L, Arreghini A, Cocilovo F, Favero V. Respiratory disorders in paediatric age: orthodontic diagnosis and treatment in dysmetabolic obese children and allergic slim children. Eur J Paediatr Dent. 2013;14:190–194.

15. Souto-Souza D, Soares MAC, Primo-Miranda EF, Pereira LJ, Ramos-Jorge ML, Ramos-Jorge J. The influence of malocclusion, sucking habits and dental caries in the masticatory function of preschool children. Braz oral res. 2020;34:e059. doi: 10.1590/1807-3107bor-2020.vol34.0059. 

16. Koskela A, Neittaanmäki A, Rönnberg K, Palotie A, Ripatti S, Palotie T. The relation of severe malocclusion to patients’ mental and behavioral disorders, growth and speech problems. Eur J Orthod. 2020;29:cjaa028. doi: 10.1093/ejo/cjaa028.

17. Manfredini D, Lombardo L, Siciliani G. Temporomandibular disorders and dental occlusion. A systematic review of association studies: end of an era? J Oral Rehabil. 2017;44:908–923. doi: 10.1111/joor.12531.

18. Petti S. Over two hundred million injuries to anterior teeth attributable to large overjet: a meta-analysis. Dent Traumatol. 2015;31:1–8. doi: 10.1111/edt.12126.

19. Bernhardt O, Krey KF, Daboul A, Völzke H, Kindler S, Kocher T, Schwahn Ch. New insights in the link between malocclusion and periodontal disease. J Clin Periodontol. 2019;46:144–159. doi: 10.1111/jcpe.13062.

20. Ferrando-Magraner E, Garcia-Sanz V, Bellot-Arcis C, Montiel-Company JM, Almerich-Silla JM, Paredes-Gallardo V. Oral health-related quality of life of adolescents after orthodontic treatment. A systematic review. J Clin Exp Dent. 2019;11:e194–e202. doi: 10.4317/jced.55527.

21. Kunz F, Platte P, Keß S, Geim L, Zeman F, Proff P, Hirschfelder U, Stellzig-Eisenhauer A. Impact of specific orthodontic parameters on the oral health-related quality of life in children and adolescents. J Orofac Orthop. 2019;80:174–183. doi: 10.1007/s00056-019-00181-x.

22. Tristao SCPC, Magno MB, Vaz Braga Pinto A, Christovam IFO, Ferreira DMTP, Cople Maia L, Ribeiro de Souza IP. Is there a relationship between malocclusion and bullying? A systematic review. Prog Orthod. 2020;21:26. doi: 10.1186/s40510-020-00323-7.

23. Kunz F, Platte P, Keß S, Geim L, Zeman F, Proff P, Hirschfelder U, Stellzig-Eisenhauer A. Correlation between oral health-related quality of life and orthodontic treatment need in children and adolescents—a prospective interdisciplinary multicenter cohort study. J Orofac Orthop. 2018;79:297–308. doi: 10.1007/s00056-018-0142-4.

24. Nguee AAM, Ongkosuwito EM, Jaddoe VWV, Wolvius EB, Kragt L. Impact of orthodontic treatment need and deviant occlusal traits on oral health-related quality of life in children: a cross-sectional study in the generation R cohort. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2020;157:764–772. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2019.06.015.

25. Macey R, Thiruvenkatachari B, O’Brien K, Batista KBSL. Do malocclusion and orthodontic treatment impact oral health? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2020;157:738–744. doi: 10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.01.015. 

26. Ruf S. Standard ohne Gold. RCT Studien scheitern oft an klinischen Fragestellungen der Kieferorthopädie. Zahnmed Ges. 2017;21:34–37.

27. DGKFO (2018) Positionspapier der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie zum Medizinischen Nutzen kieferorthopädischer Behandlungen. https://www.dgkfo-vorstand.de/fileadmin/redaktion/upload_vorstand/Praesiordner/Bundesrechnungshof/DGKFO-Positionspapier_Nutzen_der_KFO.pdf. Zugegriffen: 06-04-2021


